After signing a contract, we need about 3-4 weeks to build a team. This time can be shorter or longer depending on your goals.
We begin our cooperation by understanding your business context, product vision, and success criteria. Dedicated Product Managers on our side serve as the bridge to keep our efforts aligned with your overall direction.
Our engagements are structured to be flexible. Whether you need to adjust team composition, pivot focus, or wind down an initiative, we'll work with you to adapt smoothly while maintaining continuity.
While no one can guarantee outcomes, we do everything possible to stack the odds in your favor. This starts with thoroughly vetting initiatives to ensure strategic fit. Then we define clear success metrics and track progress rigorously. If an effort is not driving the intended results, we surface that quickly and recommend a path to get back on track.
You're investing in a dedicated team, customized to your needs. The exact size and composition of your team will depend on the scope and complexity of the initiative. We'll work with you to define a team structure that aligns with your goals and budget. Engagements are structured as simple monthly subscriptions, so you get predictable costs with the flexibility to adapt as needed.