People & Teamwork

Have you ever wondered what the ideal recruitment process might look like?

What are your memories from the last recruitment interview you attended? Was it a pleasant meeting? Or were you not generally pleased with yourself? Check out how we do it in Appunite, what we pay attention to during interviews and what is our main goal when planning recruitment processes.

We all know that a recruitment interview is not a pleasant situation. Usually, during a meeting, we try our best to present our competencies. However, how do you talk about your skills, experience and expectations from your new job for an hour or two? This is where the first stress level comes from, among other things. So, how to conduct recruitment interviews in order to give the candidate the maximum level of comfort and space to showcase their skills in a partnered conversation?

At Appunite, we combine experience from previous recruitments and feedback from candidates. As a result, we create the process so that we don't make it another stressful meeting but an interesting conversation. Its purpose is to exchange knowledge and expectations about a specific position. We want to hear your expectations, what motivates you to grow your skills and in which direction you want to go further.

The prospect of taking on challenges that give us a sense of development is one of the leading indicators of workplace satisfaction here.

Each Appuniter decides on their development with an individual development budget. There is also the Books Formula, which we use to buy all the books we need for growth. According to an internal benefit satisfaction survey, AU employees indicated the above benefits in the top 3.

Back to basics - honesty and transparency

During the conversation, we primarily focus on giving as much information as possible on who we invite to the project. What does it look like to work with a client? How does the life of Appunite look behind the scenes? What stages does our onboarding process consist of? You will learn all this from the Recruitment Team at the first recruitment stage! Do you want to learn more? Are you interested in the philosophy of Appunite? What benefits await every Appuniter? Go ahead! The recruitment interview is, first and foremost, a time for a candidate to answer their questions.

Through the eyes of the candidate: "We will get back to you soon"

How many times have you heard this phrase, already knowing that the awaited call from the recruiter will not happen? It's a trivial rule but one that ensures a high level of candidate experience — stay in touch with your candidate. We let a candidate know when we will get back to them with feedback, what stage they can expect next, and what the signing and onboarding process looks like with us. If you are curious about this topic, look at the article by Maja — our Community & Event Specialist. In our work, we follow one main idea — recruit as if you want to be recruited yourself. As a result, according to last year's data, our shortest process from receiving a candidate's application to hiring them was nine days, and the average time was 38 days. According to the HR Trends and the Bee Talents report from LinkedIn, the average time of hiring is 36 to 39 days. Therefore, we are not deviating from the norm and running our recruitment processes efficiently.

“We believe that we can do more”

We benefit from our networking — we believe we can do more together. Do you have a friend who is excellent at developing a particular platform? Recommend them, and we will invite them for an interview! More than 20 specialists have worked with us for over five years. The referral program greatly optimizes the recruitment process. The Referral Program is quite popular, having increased the number of Appuniters by as much as 15% in the last year.